
Note: According to Facebook in this article, “Only Pages with 2,000 or more likes can create custom Page tabs”. This limitation applies to the custom tab used in this tutorial. This means that you can only install the Static HTML: iframe tabs if your page has 2,000 likes or more.

Steps to insert your Google tour into your Facebook page.

  1. Log into your Facebook profile that manages your business’ Facebook page
  2. Visit Static HTML: iframe tabs on Facebook
  3. Press the green button to add the app to your page.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu for your Facebook pages and check off the pages before pressing the blue ‘Add Page Tab’.
  5. Use Facebook as your business’ page. (Press the top-right arrow for the drop-down menu and select your page account)
  6. To rename the new tab (labeled ‘Welcome’ next to the star icon), go to the Settings page and select ‘Apps’ in the left column.
  7. Press ‘Edit Settings’ under the Added App, Static HTML: iframes tabs
  8. Rename the Custom Tab Name and Save. (We changed ‘Welcome’ to ‘See Inside’)
  9. Go to your Google tour and press the 3 dots at the top-left corner for the drop-down menu.
  10. Select ‘Share or embed image’
  11. In the pop-up window, select the ‘Embed image’ tab.
  12. Copy and paste the html iframe code.
  13. Return to your Facebook page and click on the Static HTML app we re-labeled it ‘See Inside’ in the left column.
  14. Upon entering the app, press the green ‘Edit tab ->’ button to enter the app’s dashboard.
  15. In the index.html box, delete the default text and paste the Google tour’s html iframe code
  16. Press the ‘Save & Publish’ next to the green preview button
  17. Return to the front of your Facebook page and select ‘Manage Tabs’
  18. Drag the ‘See Inside’ tab further up to make it visible on your page and Save.


Steps 1-3

    1. Log into your Facebook profile that manages your business’ Facebook page
    2. Visit Static HTML: iframe tabs on Facebook
    3. Press the green button to add the app to your page.

how to embed google street view tour - step 1 -Static HTML app

Step 4

        1. Click on the drop-down menu for your Facebook pages and check off the pages before pressing the blue ‘Add Page Tab’.

how to embed google street view tour - step 2 -add page tab

Steps 5-7

        1. Use Facebook as your business’ page. (Press the top-right arrow for the drop-down menu and select your page account)
        2. To rename the new tab (labeled ‘Welcome’ next to the star icon), go to the Settings page and select ‘Apps’ in the left column.
        3. Press ‘Edit Settings’ under the Added App, Static HTML: iframes tabs

how to embed google street view tour - step 3a -app setting

Step 8

        1. Rename the Custom Tab Name and Save. (We changed ‘Welcome’ to ‘See Inside’)

how to embed google street view tour - step 3b -rename tab

Steps 9-10

        1. Go to your Google tour and press the 3 dots at the top-left corner for the drop-down menu.
        2. Select ‘Share or embed image’

how to embed google street view tour - step 4 - embed image menu

Steps 11-12

        1. In the pop-up window, select the ‘Embed image’ tab.
        2. Copy and paste the html iframe code.

how to embed google street view tour - step 5 - embed image html code

Steps 13-14

        1. Return to your Facebook page and click on the Static HTML app we re-labeled it ‘See Inside’ in the left column.
        2. Upon entering the app, press the green ‘Edit tab ->’ button to enter the app’s dashboard.

how to embed google street view tour - step 6 - Static HTML app

Steps 15-16

        1. In the index.html box, delete the default text and paste the Google tour’s html iframe code
        2. Press the ‘Save & Publish’ next to the green preview button

how to embed google street view tour - step 7 - insert embed code

Step 17

        1. Return to the front of your Facebook page and select ‘Manage Tabs’

how to embed google street view tour - step 8 - manage tabs

Step 18

        1. Drag the ‘See Inside’ tab further up to make it visible on your page and Save.

how to embed google street view tour - step 9 - re-order tabs

Merchant View 360

Author Merchant View 360

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